HELPS STUDENT IN EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES- it is the easiest way to acquire information especially on educational purposes. Students can practice on how to get reliable information from the internet that they are using on their assignments and projects.
CONNECTION AMONG OTHERS- once we are connected to social network we can easily communicate to our friends and families using massaging applications.
ONLINE BUSINESS- as our social network become widespread business minded people takes the opportunity to use social media in business. Wherein, they can post their products and their friends can easily order through social media.
TO AQUIRE INFORMATION EASILY- aside from television and radio most of the people are now having smart phone and gadgets to get information because it is easy to open web sites compare to television.
FOR ENTERTAINMENT- social media can give entertainment to children and sometimes we use this to catch their attention to finish their task at school.
INCREASE CRIME RATE- youth are now engaged on different issues that can cause crime such as cyber bullying, cyber-crime.
ONLINE GAMES ADDICTION- we are now having high quality of online games and the most popular online game that youth are very addicted today is the “MOBILE LEGENDS” most of people install this application. People who are addicted on this can cause poor lifestyle and danger to their health.
CAN CAUSE ILLNESS/SICKNESS- spend most of their tine by using technologies and it can cause proper eating, proper hygiene and normal hour of sleeping.
MINORS CAN OPEN PRIVATE SITES- there are many private sites that youth must not be encounter because it can change their behavior.
WASTING OF TIME- life must be enjoyed don’t spend your whole time on social media because “TIME IS GOLD.”
SECURE YOUR ACCOUNT- creates different passwords to secure your account and no one can trace your privacy.
LIMITATION IN USING SOCIAL- don’t show all your personal information on your social media.
BE AWARE WITH YOUR FRIEND REQUESTS- select your friends whom you can trust especially in giving your information.
READ THE PRIVACY POLICIES- by reading the privacy policies you have the knowledge to manipulate your account.
DON’T LOG IN YOUR ACCOUNT IN OTHER DEVICES- in order to secure your account don’t log in on other devices because anyone can hacked your passwords and use on scam.