Saturday, December 7, 2019


HELPS STUDENT IN EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES- it is the easiest way to acquire information especially on educational purposes. Students can practice on how to get reliable information from the internet that they are using on their assignments and projects.
CONNECTION AMONG OTHERS- once we are connected to social network we can easily communicate to our friends and families using massaging applications.
ONLINE BUSINESS- as our social network become widespread business minded people takes the opportunity to use social media in business. Wherein, they can post their products and their friends can easily order through social media.
TO AQUIRE INFORMATION EASILY- aside from television and radio most of the people are now having smart phone and gadgets to get information because it is easy to open web sites compare to television.
FOR ENTERTAINMENT- social media can give entertainment to children and sometimes we use this to catch their attention to finish their task at school.


INCREASE CRIME RATE- youth are now engaged on different issues that can cause crime such as cyber bullying, cyber-crime.
ONLINE GAMES ADDICTION- we are now having high quality of online games and the most popular online game that youth are very addicted today is the “MOBILE LEGENDS” most of people install this application. People who are addicted on this can cause poor lifestyle and danger to their health.
CAN CAUSE ILLNESS/SICKNESS- spend most of their tine by using technologies and it can cause proper eating, proper hygiene and normal hour of sleeping.
MINORS CAN OPEN PRIVATE SITES- there are many private sites that youth must not be encounter because it can change their behavior.
WASTING OF TIME- life must be enjoyed don’t spend your whole time on social media because “TIME IS GOLD.”


SECURE YOUR ACCOUNT- creates different passwords to secure your account and no one can trace your privacy.
LIMITATION IN USING SOCIAL- don’t show all your personal information on your social media.
BE AWARE WITH YOUR FRIEND REQUESTS- select your friends whom you can trust especially in giving your information.
READ THE PRIVACY POLICIES- by reading the privacy policies you have the knowledge to manipulate your account.
DON’T LOG IN YOUR ACCOUNT IN OTHER DEVICES- in order to secure your account don’t log in on other devices because anyone can hacked your passwords and use on scam.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


In our society we have different types of teachers. As they are differentiate according to age, gender, perspective and degree but the main role of a teacher is to teach. A modern teacher should act professionally by the demands of the society. They developed the learning process of the students as we are in the 21st Century Literature.
According to preamble teacher are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence. In this regard, teacher must apply the code of ethics not only inside the classroom or during class hour but maintaining the qualities of a good teacher outside the institution. Everyone has high expectation to teachers as they are the role model of learners not only for educational purposes such as the strategies on how to deal with your students, the techniques of an effective teacher and ways to overcome challenges inside the classroom environment. A modern teacher should emphasize the moral values of the student as we all know intelligence is useless without values.
Lastly, as a future modern teacher we have to practice the rules and regulations of the institution, we have the freedom to express our opinion if it is right and accepted by the society. We are not just dealing to our students but to our society also. We have to raise the banner of educator as we practice our noble profession.


       We are the 21st century learners and future educator. We have to be aware on using proper words especially in communicating to our future students. Our words have the power to influence others it’s either positive or negative. 
Our society is surrounded by technologies and as a teacher we know how to facilitate those digital and educational resources. Our students have different learning strategies and learning styles and they do not need to change their words but we, as teachers have the responsibility to change our words in order to change the mindset of our students.
Lastly, we are the facilitator of our learners some students wants to learn more but others do not because of their weakness and they are afraid to commit mistakes. We experience in becoming students we know the hardships and our words, our experiences can also be their motivation in changing their negative mindset into positive.  

Saturday, November 23, 2019


SOURCE: ife03

The right to freedom of expression is provided for in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights Article 19, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 19, the American Convention on Human Rights Article 13, The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights Article 9, and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Article 10. The point of departure of this chapter will be Article 10 of the European Convention (ECHR) and the related case law.

“1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary” (Article 10, ECHR).

I learn that all of us have the right to express our opinions. We have to respect and protect our citizens in sharing information and ideas without interference. As time pass us by, most of people want to share their information on public by using technology but it can affect our privacy especially our personal information. We have to take care our privacy and also our rights as human and as a member of community.


The government must be more strict in implementing actions to ensure the privacy of individuals. We can also offer seminars about freedom of expression and censorship and all citizens are made aware whenever access to technologies.

Friday, October 4, 2019


As a future educator I will use technology in proper way. Technology is my tool to educate my students and to share my knowledge how technology influence my life when I was like them. I know that when I become a teacher I will encounter different characteristics of students base on their culture, attitudes and different ways of learning. As our technology is now  getting more modernistic it is our advantage to give quality of education to our students. As what I've said students have different ways of learning it could be through visual, audio, oral or written. Techonology help us to be a good educator and as a learner also. Even if we become a teacher there are some instances that our knowledge is not enough especially encountering new topics. As a future educator we have to be prepared, compassionate, creative, and effective teacher in the near future. Teachers are expected to be more substantial impact on students learning. We are not just a teacher someday but a parents who have the power to influence our students through their achievement and success.

Friday, September 20, 2019


      During my elementary days I have no idea what is technology. Yes, I am watching television, borrowing the mobile phone of my parents, reading books, riding on transportation and using non digital technologies. I thought that is not technology at all. When I was in Junior High School I am not totally engage with the definition of tecnology, what is the use of technology and when we use the technology. I am using computer and mobile phones for my assignments and projects but I am not good in manipulating different website. And also I start to create my social media accounts to meet other people but there are some instances that I am not a good user because I am not aware the effect of social media without reading the directions and instructions. During my Senior High School my knowledge about technology become broad. I learned that using technology is not easy especially with the use of internet just like my teacher said "think before you click" and "internet is the most dangerous place on earth" and I am agree with that because nowadays, technology controlling us in our everyday living we want to share our experiences and sometimes including our personal infomation and that is a bad habit because we are eating by the modern society and the modern system. Now, as a college student I am now aware in using technology as a learner. I learn how to choose reliable information from the website, avoid plagiarism, learn how to paraphrase and cite your references if needed. I know that technology has a big impact on us it can make our work much easier but remember know your limitations. At my age I can say that my knowledge is not enough but then I am still in the process of learning. All I can say is " A GOOD USER, IS A GOOD LEARNER".

Sunday, September 1, 2019

                           MY REFLECTION

I learned that ICT helps us to create new and mesmerizing ways in using our technology in proper use such as uploading photos and videos, touching the different kinds of websites and how to discover other features. It is composed of internet, mobile phones, wireless connections and other communication medium.

I felt that as we are living in the 21st century we are controlling by technology and that is not unacceptable. Technology is used to make our work much easier. Teachers are using technology to engage lifelong learning in support to the development of her students. We are expected to be more critical thinker especially in using ICT’s in order to manage the information that we are uttered. We are using these to inquire, to communicate, to collaborate and to plan technique and strategies.

I developed that think before you click technology are now continuously getting more powerful maybe it can be helpful to others but sometimes it can also give negative effect to us especially the millennial.  ICT’s is everywhere we must use it more productivity and demonstrate to others that we must practice analyzing, developing, and evaluating to promote and contribute knowledge to our community by accessing technology in a proper and safety way.

5 ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL NETWORK HELPS STUDENT IN EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES- it is the easiest way to acquire information especially on educa...